A laser power meter is a handheld measuring device for effective Co2 laser beam power measurement.
Some more information about Co2 laser CNC machines described here

Applications of Laser power meter
I have been using this handy device for CO2 laser CNCs service. Main laser tube output can be measured effectively and with measuring before and after each mirror, the reflection or absorption of that can be investigated.
First, we start with tube output power measurement. If that’s satisfactory, will check after the first mirror.
In some cases we noticed lower power after the first mirror, which means mirror is absorbing the laser power. This results, can be confirmed with mirror temperature control. If it’s hot, the mirror is not ok and to be replaced.
The same process to be followed for second and third mirrors.
HLP-200B Manufacturer
Yongli is Chinese manufacturer of this cool product.
For more information about it please check this page
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